Pressure Vessels, Reactors, Columns & Towers

Stainless Steel Pressure Vessels, SS Reactors, Carbon Steel Columns & Towers Manufacturer & Exporter.
Zirconium Pressure Vessels, Niobium Pressure Vessels, SMO 254, Copper Nickel Pressure Vessels, Suppliers.


304H ss pipesDinesh Tube CENTRE is into supply & Export of Titanium, Tantalum, Nickel, Monel, Inconel, Hastelloy, Zirconium, Niobium, SMO 254, Super Duplex, Duplex, Stainless Steel, Carbon Steel, Alloy Steel, Copper & Copper Nickel Pressure Vessels, Reactors, Columns & Towers.

Dinesh Tube CENTRE regularly Exports High quality Pressure Vessels, Reactors, Columns & Towerswith ASME ‘U’ stamp to various countries like Kuwait, UAE, UK, Iran, Iraq, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, Yemen, Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, USA, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Spain, Serbia, Peru, Nigeria, Poland, South Africa, Denmark, Turkey, Egypt, Venezuela, Madagar, Dinesh Tube CENTRE Sri-lanka.

Designs include solid wall, explosive clad, standard jacket and half pipe jacket. Agitators and drives can be included. Accessories such as baffles, outlet valves or dip tubes can also be supplied.

Materials of construction from the Carbon Steel,stainless steels, Alloy Steel, duplex and super duplex, Nickel,Monel, Inconel,Hastelloy, titanium, zirconium and tantalum.

Contact us on if you have any corrosion questions, require preliminary design or information on project budget costing.

Manufacturing Range include: Vessels Upto 6.1 Meter Diameter X 91.44 Meter Length X 100mm Thickness.

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